Surf Into Space

Expires on Nov 29, 2019
In first grade our classroom is slightly smaller than the average, outlets are sparse and only one window. I try very hard to make my classroom feel like their 2nd home the best way I can. My classroom is very blessed to be one-one with Chrome books but sometimes space is an issue. They all crowd around the table, sometimes very close to each other. When we are giving assessments or completing assignments it is very hard for them to keep their eyes on their computer. I would love to help the children spread out more within our classroom walls so that they have privacy and feel confident in their own space. I want my students to feel like they have their own space in a very crowded room. Being able to allow them to move around the classroom to read, complete work or type on their computer makes it slightly less stressful for them and for myself. It keeps the behavior problems down and the quality of work higher.
Where does money go ?
Surf Lap Desk | $25.00 |
Surf Lap Desk | $25.00 |
Surf Lap Desk | $25.00 |
Surf Lap Desk | $25.00 |