Comfy & Cozy Classroom

Expires on Dec 20, 2019

Due to low enrollment and funding, I was transferred this month to a new school and classroom. This new classroom lacks a large classroom carpet. An classroom rug acts as the ideal spot for morning meeting, small group intervention, read alouds, group work, and I could go on. Second graders needs a spot in their classroom where they can get on the group and sit or lay out depending on the activity. Help my classroom and students get a cozy and comfortable carpet!

Where does money go ?

Guidecraft Primary Grid Seating Carpet (8 x 12 ft)$209.99

$200.00 of $209.99 goal

2 DonorsEquality

Matching Criteria $-95.01


Recent Donations

On Dec 09, 2019

Mike & Bonnie Orlowski
On Dec 09, 2019

- Happy to help you and your students!